Fall 2019

It’s time to get excited for another year of Historians Are Writers!

On Tuesday, October 22, we will have our first writing workshop, in collaboration with the Graduate History Colloquium. You are all invited to join us for lunch and a stimulating conversation about writing in White Hall B02 from 12:15 to 1:30 pm. The workshop is addressed to all students who are applying for research grants and fellowships for the coming semester or year. We decided to focus on the “hook”: the opening paragraph of the proposal. If you are also working on a fellowship proposal and would like to workshop its opening paragraph, you are welcome to send us a submission too! But you can also just attend the session and share your writing insights with us.

To submit, please reply to cornellghacolloquium@gmail.com with:

  1. Your proposal opening paragraph(s)—500 words max.
  2. A summary of your project (around 2000 characters, which is often the length of the abstracts you have to submit with your grant application).
  3. A brief description of the grant or fellowship you are applying for, just so we know what the guidelines or expectations are.

Submission deadline: Oct. 16 (right after fall break).

This year, we are also organizing a speaker series about writing for public and non-academic venues. The first session, featuring a discussion with Nicholas Mulder and Sophie Pinkham, will be on Thursday evening, November 14th, at 8 pm—location TBD. Nick and Sophie will share two pieces of writing that we will circulate before the session.

You can find more information about Nick here: https://history.cornell.edu/nicholas-mulder

And this is the link to Sophie’s website: http://www.sophiepinkham.com

As per HAW tradition, we are also going to do a long read over winter break. This year, we chose Exit West by Mohsin Hamid.


The book won many awards and The New York Times named it one of the 10 Best Books of 2017. We hope you will enjoy it! We will meet to discuss it in late January or early February. Stay tuned for more information about this session.


To join the HAW! email list and/or to receive more info about meeting times and places, email current group coordinators Benedetta Carnaghi (bc552@cornell.edu) and Kelsey Utne (kju3@cornell.edu).


If you are new to HAW!, check out these two stories about the group:

